Strategic Insights: Analyzing Employee Surveys and Exit Interviews to Reduce Employee Turnover

December 15, 2023 | By Nobscot Corporation

Analyzing survey data


Employee surveys and exit interviews are invaluable tools for organizations seeking to understand the pulse of their workforce and address potential employee turnover issues. One powerful approach is to utilize internal benchmarks, comparing departmental averages against the company-wide average, to identify trouble areas. This article explores the strategic application of internal benchmarks and delves into the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, aiming to uncover turnover themes and craft targeted interventions.

Leveraging Internal Benchmarks

Establishing company-wide averages serves as a baseline for evaluating the performance of individual departments. By comparing departmental averages against the company average, organizations can identify areas where satisfaction and engagement deviate significantly. This data-driven approach allows for the pinpointing of trouble areas and provides a foundation for a more targeted and effective employee retention strategy.

Identifying Trouble Areas

Departments that consistently fall below the company average may be experiencing challenges that contribute to dissatisfaction and, ultimately, turnover. Analyzing these trouble areas can reveal patterns and trends that require attention. Red flags may include lower ratings in areas such as leadership, communication, workload, or growth opportunities. The goal is to identify specific aspects of the work environment that contribute to turnover risk.

Delving into Red Flags

Once trouble areas are identified, a deeper dive into the quantitative data can uncover specific pain points. Are certain departments consistently dissatisfied with management communication? Is there a notable lack of growth opportunities in specific teams? Addressing these questions provides a more nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by different departments, guiding the development of targeted interventions.

Unlocking Qualitative Insights

While numerical data offers valuable insights, the qualitative data from employee comments in surveys and exit interviews adds a layer of richness to the analysis. Employees' open-ended responses can highlight the root causes of dissatisfaction and provide context to quantitative ratings. By reviewing comments from troubled areas, organizations can identify turnover themes, understand employee perspectives, and gather the qualitative data needed to inform actionable solutions.

Crafting Targeted Interventions

Armed with both quantitative and qualitative insights, organizations can develop targeted interventions to address specific challenges within troubled departments. This might involve refining leadership training, improving communication channels, or enhancing professional development opportunities. Tailoring solutions to the unique needs of each department increases the likelihood of successfully mitigating turnover risk.

Continuous Improvement

Employee surveys and exit interviews are not one-time endeavors; they are part of an ongoing process of organizational improvement. Regularly analyzing data, comparing departmental averages, and addressing turnover themes contribute to a culture of continuous improvement. This proactive approach helps organizations stay ahead of potential issues, fostering a positive work environment and reducing the risk of turnover.


Utilizing internal benchmarks to compare departmental averages against the company average is a strategic approach to uncovering trouble areas and mitigating turnover risk. The combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative insights provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by different departments. By addressing specific pain points and tailoring interventions, organizations can create a workplace that fosters satisfaction, engagement, and long-term commitment, ultimately reducing turnover and promoting sustained success.
For more information on Nobscot's all-inclusive Turnover Management Programs which include continuous analysis of your exit interviews, new hire surveys, and other employee survey data, please contact us at
