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Nobscot's WebExit - Testimonials From Satisfied Customers

Exit Interview Testimonials From Our Clients. Nobscot's WebExit exit interview management system is used by companies in a variety of industries to conduct, compile and analyze exit interviews and help pinpoint company strengths and weaknesses that lead to employee turnover and retention.

The system is designed for large global corporations and is currently being used by companies such as First Tennessee National, First Hawaiian Bank, Buildings Corporation of British Columbia among others. If you would like to learn more about WebExit, please call (888) 662-7444 or email to request a demo. Read what employee retention expert Sharon Jordan-Evans has to say about WebExit: Expert Recommendation.

Here's what our corporate and government clients are saying about WebExit:

"I have really enjoy working with you and Nobscot due to your professionalism, customer focus, expertise and high quality product. I hope I have sent a few new customers your way based on my reference. Singing Nobscot's praises has been an easy task." - Human Resources Manager

"We have reduced attrition by 21.56% the first year after the analysis, then an additional 9.92% year to date so far." - Senior HR Business Process Analyst

"Our exit interview participation rate went from approximately 30% to 70% in the first six months." - Human Resources Director

"Since the implementation of WebExit, we are capturing a much wider audience and we now have data in a useable format. We are able to provide quarterly reporting to our top management and connect the data to information from other sources to identify trends and get in front of potential issues." - HR Partner

"I would be remiss if I didn't add that Nobscot's customer service is outstanding. There has never been a time or delay in responsiveness to our needs." - Director of Human Resources

"I have truly enjoyed working with you and Nobscot due to your professionalism, customer-focus, expertise and high quality product. I hope I have sent a few new customers your way based on my reference. Singing Nobscot's praises has been an easy task."

"You seem to know your craft from a web perspective better than the other vendors. From what they described and the demos I've seen they don't seem to be as committed to a cycle of continuous improvement as you are"

"My director was quite impressed with the outcome of the surveys we clearly see the value in your service"

"I will be relentless with this as the tool makes great sense for both the people exiting and as an employee satisfaction survey instrument."

"I have received excellent feedback from three of the references you gave me"

"We found the site to be a great concept which certainly covers all the necessary areas. Easy to use for both Employer and Employee and the stats are a very useful tool"

"Everyone was blown away by your service"

"Kudos on another great feature!"

"YAHOO!!  This new feature is wonderful!!!"

"Those new reports look great!"

"Buzz has been circulating through HR around your service."

"Gee, you are fast.  Thank you very much!"

"Thanks for turning this around so quickly."

"I really appreciate all your assistance in implementing the online system so smoothly and quickly."

"That is a very impressive (participation) percentage.  Some of your competitors only yield 5-15% through online interviews.  They require the use of phone and mail as complementary contact methods to approach your numbers."

"This is creative, constructive thinking!  Thanks so much."

"We would highly recommend both the product and the service."

"Love the diversity and glass ceiling additions."

"Thanks for the super quick follow up."

"I'm very excited about the system."

”Wow - this is really nice”

”I'm one of your champions and wish you all the success."

"I really like your product. It is easy to maneuver within the site, easy to understand and I liked the reports you've designed."

Want to see what everyone is so excited about? Call (888) 662-7444, email, or fill out this quick Exit Interview Demo Request Form to request a demo.

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