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Retention Management And Metrics

Looking for Current US Employee Turnover Rates?
There's an app for that!

The first step to reducing attrition and improving employee retention is knowing where you stand and how your organization compares to industry-wide benchmarks. Now there’s an app that puts these turnover statistics right at your fingertips in seconds! The EE Turnover Tracker, created by the employee retention experts at Nobscot Corporation, gives you the tools you need to quickly access a variety of turnover data.

  • Instantly view U.S. Department of Labor voluntary and involuntary employment turnover benchmarks for the most recent 12 months. This is updated on a monthly basis at no additional cost to you!
  • Get turnover stats based on industry or location
  • Benchmark how your company's turnover rates compare to the national average
  • Calculate the ROI and how much money your company can save on decreasing your own turnover rates
Download the EE Turnover Tracker today to always have access to the most updated turnover data!

For Android devices: Employee Turnover Rates App for Android
For Apple devices: Employee Turnover Rates App for IPhone

For a screenshot of by industry turnover rates: Employee Turnover App - by Industry

Employee Turnover Tracker


BLS Employee Total Separation Rates - Released Oct 11, 2006

The latest Annual rates for Total Separation are for year ending Aug 2006, located here:
Latest Total Separation Annual Rates

For voluntary turnover rates covering other time periods, click: Historical US employee turnover rates.
For total separation rates covering other time periods, click: Historical US total separation rates.
For a side-by-side comparison and findings of the latest annual turnover rates with prior year results: Latest Employee Turnover Results.

Data is supplied by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

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