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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 25

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Work Life Balance is a Difficult but Worthwhile Goal. [Red Nova] Friday 11/12/04 9:16 PM

In order to achieve balance, three important support mechanisms must be available: workplace supports, family and friends and community services. Like a three legged stool, if any of these areas are weak or unavailable, it will be difficult to achieve balance.

Many companies have implemented support programs such as flextime, childcare and personal care

services. Often these programs are discontinued due to under utilization or lack of support from senior management.

Job performance and committment is still measured in the minds of both employees and employers based on the long-work-hours culture.

In order for work life initiatives to be successful, the company leaders must set the tone and vision. Managers need to model good balanced behavior. Employees need to take responsibility for their choices regarding diet, exercise, sleep and career development.

Follow these five steps to develop an appropriate program for your organization:

1) Assess your current situation.

2) Consult with employees to determine their needs based on focus groups, exit interviews, employee surveys, performance management data and other employee management reports.

3) Consider the options. Some may cost money while others like giving employees flexibility and control over when, where and how they work may not be financially expensive at all.

4) Articulate your plan. Set your goals and document your objectives.

5) Execute the plan. Communicate continually. Measure everything.

The article also describes an architecture for a work-life continuum.

Work-life balance is achievable and it is worth the effort. A successful program will produce a strong workforce of committed and engaged employees.
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