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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 30

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Employees' Satisfaction With Boss Improves Bottom Line [Honolulu Advertiser] Tuesday 11/02/04 1:53 AM

According to the August Gallup Poll, 60% of employees are completely satisfied with their boss.
This is up from 54% last year and 40% 15 years ago.

Happy employees result in improved performance which leads to improved stock market results according to Gallup.
Companies on Fortune Magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" list, which is weighted heavily on appraisals of supervisors, consistently outperform the major indices.

Advantages of a healthy trusting relationship between the boss and employees are higher productivity and creativity because risk taking is encouraged. Likewise, healthcare costs are lower because employees are less stressed.

The article includes a "Top 10 Management Tips" list for generating success. The first is to set SMART goals to
motivate employees (SMART=specific, measurable, accepted, relevant, time-bound).

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