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Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 38

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Employee Perceptions of Pay Equity Vary By Race [Hudson Highland Group] Monday 07/26/04 6:14 PM

While a majority of workers (51%) feel they are being compensated fairly compared with others performing similar work, a smaller percentage of Hispanics and African Americans feel they are getting equal pay for equal work.

According to survey results released on July 20, 2004, Fifty-four percent (54%) of Caucasians surveyed felt they were paid fairly while just thirty-seven percent (37%) of Hispanics and thirty-three percent (33%) of African Americans felt the same.

The survey, sponsored by Hudson Highland Group, also found that employees do not believe that better performance results in better pay. Thirty-six percent (36%) of employees felt there was a connection between performance and pay compared with sixty percent (60%) who felt that pay was related to length of service.

In regard to reasons for leaving their current employer, Fifty-eight percent (58%) of employees surveyed reported that better pay and benefits would be the primary motivator for considering a new job opportunity.
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