Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 40
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Employee's First Days Critical For Retention Success [Times Leader - Pennsylvania] Sunday 06/20/04 6:13 PM
Studies have shown that an employee's experiences during his or her first few weeks on a new job are critical in the employee's later decision whether to stay or leave. Lasting impressions about the company's standards, the workload, growth opportunity, the work ethic of colleagues and communication from upper management are all formed during this early time period.
The following are some tips to ensure that new employees get off to a good start with your company or organization:
1) Anticipate the first day. The new employee will have lots of questions buzzing around in his mind as his first day approaches. Anticipate those questions and put the answers in a letter or handout for each employee. Questions might include things like
- what is the dress code?
- where should you park?
- where do workers eat lunch?
2) Provide a warm welcome. The new employee should be welcomed on her first day by a friendly face. This can be someone assigned to greet the new employee or a friendly person whom the new employee met during her interview process. Remind staff to say hello and if you want to go all out - place fresh flowers on the new employee's desk.
3) Assign a friend. To help the new employee feel welcome during the first week or more, assign a friend who can meet the employee for breaks and lunch and answer any questions that one might hesitate to ask the boss.
4) Provide a schedule. List tasks and/or meetings that the new employee will be working on and attending during his or her first few weeks.
5) Teach the job. Be prepared with training to help the new employee successfully learn the specifics of the job. Make sure files and equipment are available if necessary and consider providing a colleague tutor who can assist with learning.
6) Touch base. During the first week, be sure to check in daily with the new employee to find out how things are going. This should continue at least weekly for the first month or two.
7) Provide hope for the future. Explain the organizational structure to the new employee and let her see how her job fits in with the company's mission. If advancement opportunities are available, explain how the process works and the steps for growth and training.
Employee retention is important even in an employer's market where workers are plentiful. Each employee represents a significant investment that is lost if the employee leaves prematurely. You can take steps to minimize this risk by making sure each employee gets a great orientation to the company.
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