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Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 41

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Exit Interviews Help Charitable Organizations Improve the Workplace [Philanthropy Careers] Sunday 06/20/04 3:23 AM

Many charitable organizations and other non profit groups use exit interviews to find out why employees are departing. They say that when an employee is leaving it is the best time to get honest information. The employee at that point has nothing to lose and the organization can gather valuable insight into workplace issues.

Exit interview questions generally include how the employee felt about his or her workload, advancement opportunities, compensation and reason for leaving. Some organizations also seek to find out if the employee is leaving for another organization and if so what makes the new job more appealing.

Information gathered from exit interviews can also be useful in crafting job descriptions. Employees often state that they accepted the job without a clear understanding of what the job entailed.

Results from exit surveys may also reveal which positions are underpaid and which supervisors lack good leadership skills.

Experts recommend that someone other than a direct supervisor conduct the exits. If the organization is large enough to have a Human Resources person, he or she would be the most appropriate person to handle the exit interview.

Some charitable organizations say they don't have time to conduct exit interviews but it is recommended for those with a strong need or interest in keeping turnover low.
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