Business Coaches Help Solve Workplace Challenges [Albuquerque Tribune] Wednesday 03/31/04 8:03 PM
Hiring a business coach can help a company develop a more productive and pleasant workplace.
Business coaches help companies improve communication, build better relationships both on and off the job and manage stress. Although they are not business consultants nor therapists they often function in similar roles. Their goal is to "bring perspective, accountability, focus and discipline to work environments and relationships."
Coaches generally meet one-on-one with employees once a week for 30-50 minutes. They also lead group meetings and conduct corporate retreats. Fees range from $70 - $130 per hour. Some companies pay up to $10,000/month for coaching services and feel that it is well worth the money spent. Said one coached client, "The end result is enhanced business when employees have learned to deal with life - not just from 8 to 5, but 24 hours a day."
Some coaches help solve problems that have been identified on employee exit interviews. The cost of the coaching may be expensive, but so is the cost of attrition says Judy Katz, a business coach in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Business coaches are not licensed by state or federal agencies but may choose to be certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Coaches must have 60 hours of training and a minimum of 250 client coaching hours to become an associate certified coach with ICF.
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