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Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 52

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How to Improve Exit Interview Participation Rates [Nobscot Corporation] Friday 03/12/04 3:13 AM

The more employees that complete your exit interviews, the more data you have to help identify areas causing employee turnover.

Average participation rate for paper and pencil exit interviews is 35%. You can increase that to 65% or more by following the steps outlined in this article.

Start by measuring your current participation rates. Divide the number of completed exits by the number of employees that you have requested to complete the exit interview. This will yield a number that you will need to track frequently.

Next you should examine both your exit survey as well as the process. Some of the things to look for include:

Is the exit interview too long?
Are the exit interview questions confusing or personally invasive?
Do the employees believe that the exit interviews will be read or make a difference?
Are the employees afraid of repercussions?
Are the employees angry at the company?
Is the process difficult or uncomfortable?

You also need to look at the logistics of the process that take place from the time the employee gives their notice until the exit interview is completed. Audit your process to see where any breakdowns in communication are happening. The article outlines a number of audit questions you can use for this process.

Use the information that you have gathered to improve on your process. Then re-measure your response rates at quarterly intervals. You should expect to see a dramatic improvement by the 12 month mark.

By reviewing and improving both the content and structure of the exit interview along with your own internal processes, you can deliver a substantial increase in your participation rates.

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