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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 57

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Take Care When Promoting Employees From Within [Globe and Mail] Saturday 02/21/04 6:15 PM

The traits that make an employee successful on their job are often the same traits that make them unsuccessful as a manager. Management is often more complex than it looks to a star employee.

There are both pros and cons to promoting employees from within.

Some of the pros include:

- Demonstrates to employees that they will be rewarded for top performance
- Is an effective employee retention tool
- Current employees have greater knowledge of the products/services and internal processes
- Reduced learning curve and training time

Some of the cons are:

- A new manager will rarely admit that they are not qualified for the supervisory position
- If the culture is already toxic, it will likely continue even when an employee is promoted
- Does not allow for bringing in new ideas and vitality from outside the organization

How to best handle promoting from within?

Ask yourself a number of questions to determine if the employee is ready, willing and able to take on the new position.

1. Can the candidate demonstrate the required management skills?
2. Does the candidate have the necessary interpersonal skills? Superior technical/sales skills are less important for a management role.
3. Does the candidate want the job (as opposed to the promotion)?
4. Has the candidate shown his/her ambition and comfort with risk-taking?
5. Can the candidate let go of his/her current/former position?

Additionally, have a clear understanding of the skills necessary to be an effective manager in your organization.

Provide clear communication regarding the announcement of promotions to limit jealousy and rivalry.

Formally train the new manager with supervisory role playing, continuing education and mentoring.

Recognize that not everyone is capable of being a good manager. Because management skills are so crucial to employee productivity and employee retention, it's important to deal with problem supervisors quickly.
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