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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 63

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What Motivates Employees to Stay? [ Find Law] Tuesday 12/23/03 11:19 PM

Employees are motivated to stay with a company because of more than just pay and benefits.

Some of the other more intangible things that encourage employees to stay include:

- Hearing from company leaders about the visions, strategy and future development of the company

- Understanding how their individual contribution makes a difference to the success of the company

- Leaders who listen to employees starting with Senior Managers and working its way through the organization

- Being able to provide input on decisions that affect their jobs

- Having efforts noticed and appreciated

- Excellent supervisors who provide direction, recognition and appreciation

- Being provided the necessary training so they can perform their job well

- Training, development and advancement opportunities that show the employee that the company cares about them

- Understanding that employees have a life outside of their job and respecting their personal needs

- Flexible schedules through programs such as job sharing, part-time and modified scheduling, telecommuting and flextime

There's no need to guess at what your employees want. They are happy to tell you if you give them the opportunity through methods such as exit interviews, surveys and suggestion boxes.

Exit interviews should be analyzed and used to help prioritize needed changes.

There is no one job perk that will keep all employees happy. What really makes the difference is employees knowing that what they do and who they are matters.
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