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Retention Management And Metrics

Nobscot Exit Interview and Employee Retention Consulting Services

Identifying your company’s strengths and weaknesses through continual exit interview feedback is the first step toward reducing employee turnover. Understanding and acting upon the information you receive is the critical follow up piece to meet your employee retention goals. Nobscot Corporation offers a variety of consulting services to assist you with this process. From group training to customized analysis and change implementation, Nobscot’s expert consulting team will help you come full circle to complete the employee retention process.

The following consulting services are available:


Employee Retention Benchmark Reporting And Analysis Don’t have the time or expertise to review your exit interview results in a meaningful way to promote employee retention improvement? Nobscot’s consulting team will provide customized monthly, quarterly and annual reviews of your exit interviews highlighting specific problems and successes. Our experts will meet with your team to provide in depth analysis and customized suggestions based on your WebExit exit interview results. We’ll suggest a course of action and even help implement that course within your organization.

Talk to a Nobscot Consultant for more details on how we can help you analyze and implement improvements based on the specific feedback your employees have provided.


Combine Nobscot’s WebExit “MANAGED ACCOUNT” with Consulting Reporting & Analysis Services to receive a fully outsourced, web based solution to your exit interview and employee retention initiatives.

With a Nobscot Managed WebExit account, you provide Nobscot with a weekly list of terminations and your Nobscot representative does the rest.

The Following services are included in a WebExit Managed Account:
  • Exit Interviews securely enabled
  • Terminating employees notified and trained on how to take exit interviews
  • Weekly or monthly hard copy printouts of all completed exit interviews
  • Monthly or quarterly tracking and statistics report on exit interview ratings including Nobscot Benchmarks
  • Employee Comments Report, Reason for Leaving chart and Red Flag Report
  • Full 5 seat licenses (administrator access) and 24/7 system access included with managed accounts


Users of Nobscot’s Glass Ceiling Diversity Measurement Pack can utilize our consultants to analyze exit interview results specifically for the measurement and assessment of glass ceiling, diversity, work family balance and other related initiatives. Our consultants will work with your Employee Relations specialists to identify ongoing issues and create improvements based on your Glass Ceiling results. Includes Diversity, Risk Management and Work Family balance initiatives.

employee retention training


The following training classes are held at Nobscot world headquarters in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii. The relaxed atmosphere and ocean air provide the perfect environment to absorb the most current and effective training on Employee Retention strategies. For private corporate training at your facility, contact a Nobscot representative.

WebExit 101- Getting the most from your Nobscot WebExit system
A results driven class that helps you better customize your account set-up options, increase your participation rates, additional Nobscot features, identify trends, summarize company strengths and weaknesses, create action list for company improvements and more. Each participant will create their own customized plan for better using their Nobscot Exit Interview System.

Contact a Nobscot Account Representative for class schedule and availability.

Tips and Tactics for Improved Employee Retention- Advanced Training for the HR Professional
This class is designed for anyone interested in making serious improvements in their employee retention. Light on theory and heavy on practical approaches that can be implemented, participants in this class will learn how to identify areas needing improvement, determine the Return on Investment (ROI) for specific improvements, understand various methods to introduce change, get buy-in and support from Management, capitalize on current strengths, measure the success of retention program improvements, evaluate the affect of diversity and work/family initiatives on employee retention and more.

Contact a Nobscot Account Representative for class schedule and availability.

If you would like more information on Nobscot's consulting and training services, contact a Nobscot Representative at (888) 662-7444 or email

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