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Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn - Exit Interviews in Multiple Languages

Nobscot is fully UTF-8 compliant. You can provide your online exit interview to your employees in one or more localized languages of your choice. The below table lists some of the languages that Nobscot delivers online for WebExit subscribers. Nobscot lets you survey your international employees in their native language. Call for details and pricing.

English LanguageLocalized *Reference
Chinese - simplified汉语- 简化simplified chinese
Chinese - traditional漢語- 傳統traditional chinese
Hindiहिंदी hindu
NorwegianNorsk språknorse
and more...

* Note: Some of the above languages require the user to enable language fonts within their browser. If the language of your choice above does not display properly (displays as ?? or squares in column two), it is most likely that you need to enable the corresponding font for your PC.

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