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Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 23

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Job Embeddedness as a Predictor of Employee Turnover [California State University] Wednesday 03/03/04 7:27 PM

According to professor Chris Sablynski, the reason people choose to stay with a company is because of "job embeddedness."

Job embeddedness breaks down into 3 categories:

Fit - How well the person fits with their work, workplace and community

Links - The richness of personal relationships with co-workers, friendships and the degree by which others depend on them

Sacrifice - The things that an employee would need to give up if they left the company. Things such as a good benefits plan and respect of management require sacrifice on the part of an employee considering leaving

Sablynski's research suggests tht Job Embeddedness is a stronger predictor of employee turnover, absenteeism and job performance than traditional concepts.

Job Embeddedness can be fostered in a variety of ways including hiring employees that fit well into both the company and the community. Links can be established through programs such as corporate mentoring, teams and committees. Outside of the company, community links can be encouraged through company sponsored sports teams and community events. A feeling of sacrifice is created by offering attractive perks such as on-site daycare and flex time.
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