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Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 34

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Stress Relievers Reduces Turnover in Call Centers [Detroit News] Friday 04/09/04 7:40 PM

Call Center employees work an average of 9 - 10 hours per day with a half hour for lunch and two 15-minute breaks. They handle approximately 85 calls per shift. They are tied to their headsets and are monitored for call volume, length of calls and how long they are gone for bathroom breaks.

It's not surprising that staff turnover in call centers looms at 33% per year. Phone representatives are four times more likely to miss work because of stress related conditions. To improve their retention of call center representatives, some companies are instituting benefits designed to relieve the stress that builds up on the job.

Stress relief benefits include:

- Employee gym
- Quiet room with comfortable chairs for napping and reading
- Outdoor walking trails
- Video arcade with free games
- Office Luncheons
- Stress management and time management training
- Company sponsored theme events
- Ergonomic work stations

Allowing reps to focus on the quality of the call rather than the speed of the call has also shown to boost productivity and reduce the number of employee who quit by 50%.

Call center expert Jon Anton, professor at Purdue University estimates that the average cost of replacement for a call center employee is $6400.
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