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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 41

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Stress Is Bad For Business And Your Health [NYTimes] Sunday 09/05/04 1:51 PM

Stress costs US tax payers and businesses $300 billion each year in health care and lost work. A multitude of studies link workplace stress to poorer health and increased mortality. Causes of workplace stress include heavier workloads resulting from downsizing or just not enough employees to get the job done. Two studies found the opposite was also true: company expansion caused increased employee sick time and health consequences. Other culprits for workplace stress include non-standard work hours.

Increased Cost from stress
According to the American Institute of Stress, stressed out workers have 46% higher health care costs which translates into $600 more per person than the non-stressed employee.

Cause of stress - Increased workload
One study found that 62% of employees had their workload increase over the last six months and 53% said they were overtired and overwhelmed from their workload. Another recent study found that 62% said their job responsibilities increased over last 6 months and that they had not taken their allotted vacation time. 60% did not expect any relief in the near future.

The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago found that 30% of employees are always or often stressed and 25% said that there are not enough coworkers to get the job done.

Cause of stress - non-standard work time
According to RAND Corporation, 25% of workers are in non-traditional employment, which includes part time employment and self-employment. 40% work non-standard times including evenings, night, rotating shifts and weekends.

Cause of stress - Downsizing or Upsizing
Downsizing causes poorer health in both workers that are fired and the workers that are not downsized and stay on the job. One study found that your chances of dying from heart attack doubled after a downsizing. Two studies found company expansion (in excess of 18% per year) caused employees to be 7% more likely to take sick leave greater than 90 days and 9% more likely to enter the hospital. The same studies showed that moderate growth actually reduced the likelihood that employees would take extended sick leave.

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