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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Turnover And Retention Briefings Abstract: 46

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How to Create a Positive Corporate Culture [The Province] Sunday 10/24/04 3:14 PM

A postive corporate culture is crucial to a company's business success and its ability to recruit and retain good employees. Corporate culture is defined by an organization's attitudes, personalities and behaviors.

You can create a good corporate culture by following these steps:

1) Realistic Assessment. The first step is understanding your current culture. This task is not as easy as you might expect. When asked, your managers will tend to describe the culture as they wish it to be not as it really is. Listen to trusted colleagues, bring in a third party or review exit interviews to get a realistic assessment.

2) Set an Example. Culture is always set by senior management. It is critical that leaders act as role models for the kind of behavior that they would like employees to model. Leaders must walk the talk in everything from valuing excellence, delegating authority to zero tolerance for harassment.

3) Publicize it. When your corporate culture is desirable, make sure that you talk about it both internally and externally. The values that shape the culture should be publicized in employee newsletters, handbooks, human resource literature. Use the internet and the intranet. Discuss in new hire orientation.

4) Hiring and Promotions. It is critical to base hiring and promotion decisions on factors that reflect your company's positive values and mission. Your hiring and promotion practices show employees exactly which behaviors are rewarded. Be careful to send the right message.

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