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Nobscot Corporation Press Releases

Nobscot's Beth Carvin To Moderate Panel of HR Experts at Conferences in Chicago and New York
Tuesday April 26, 3:05 pm ET
Seminars will focus on employee Retention and Loyalty

HONOLULU--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 26, 2005--Beth N. Carvin, CEO and President of Nobscot Corporation, will lead a discussion with Human Resources experts at the 2005 Employee Retention and Loyalty Conferences in May and June. Ms. Carvin is herself an expert in employee turnover and retention and the originator of the turnover prediction mapping theorem. The conference will be held in Chicago on May 5 and 6 at the Drake Hotel, and again on June 28 and June 29 in New York at InterContinental, The Barclay.

"Many businesses today are concerned with the very real possibility of losing some of their best and most talented employees," noted Ms. Carvin. "Employee turnover is costly in more than the financial sense. A company's reputation, employee morale, and productivity itself are affected. This is an important program where high-level HR professionals will focus on current challenges."

Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, best-selling authors of Love 'Em or Lose 'Em, helped design the seminar format and will facilitate the sessions. The interactive event will cover a range of subjects, including mentoring programs, workforce management strategies, and engaging the "massive middle." Ms. Carvin will moderate a panel discussion on "Mining Gold from Exit Interviews."

Nobscot Corporation is the leader in exit interview management software development.

The program will be presented by The Conference Board, with assistance from The Gallup Organization.

About Nobscot Corporation

Nobscot Corporation is recognized as the global leader in developing exit interview management software. Founded in 2000, Nobscot received the 2001 HR Executive Magazine award for its WebExit software, judged to be one of the Top 10 HR Products of the Year. Today WebExit sets the standard for exit interview programs and is used by organizations in more than 20 countries worldwide. More information is available at Nobscot Corporation's website:

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