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Retention Management And Metrics

Employee Retention Tools

Retaining your employees is a major issue with all organizations regardless of size, location, or industry. If your employee turnover is high, you are spending money unnecessarily. Nobscot Corporation provides several systems to help you reduce your employee turnover and retain your valued employees.

Exit Interview

In human resource terms, an exit interview is a survey that is conducted with an employee when he or she leaves the company.

Nobscot Corporation's WebExit

WebExit® provides an integrated system for conducting and analyzing exit interviews across your organization.

Employee Survey

Employee surveys are questionnaires given to all or a select subset of employees within your organization to determine the overall health of your organization.

Nobscot Corporation's WebRetain

WebRetainTM provides an integrated system for conducting and analyzing employee surveys across your organization.

Turnover Prediction

If you can predict where your turnover will occur next, you can allocate resources to those areas to prevent future turnover and help retain employees within your organization.

Nobscot Corporation's EE*Trends

EE*Trends provides a comprehensive system for conducting and analyzing both your exit interviews and your employee satisfaction surveys across your organization. EE*Trends provides access to Nobscot's revolutionary Predictive Modeling EngineTM to forcast your organization's turnover hotspots.

More Information

Click here for more information on why retention is so important.
Click here for more information on exit interviews.
Click here for more information on WebExit.
Click here for more information on WebRetain.
Click here for more information on Turnover Prediction.
Click here for more information on EE*Trends.
Click here for more information on Nobscot Corporation.

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